The pricing for Dell physical drives, especially in servers is often outrageously expensive. Of course, they come with Dell ProSupport so often the price is worth it. Sometimes though, you’ll need to buy and use drives that are not from Dell. If you do this, OpenManage will throw alerts about being non-certified, which will throw off monitoring. Here is the fix:

Open stsvc.ini located in either C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\sm or C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\SysMgt\sm depending on whether you have the 32-bit/64-bit version. Next, look for the section near the top that reads

; nonDellCertified flag for blocking all non-dell certified alerts.

Change NonDellCertifiedFlag=yes to NonDellCertifiedFlag=no and save the file. Lastly, restart the Dell OpenManage service, called DSM SA Data Manager, in your Services Manager. Voila!