In the same vain as my previous post on rebooting Macs with FileVault, computers with Symantec PGP Encryption also require users to enter a password before Windows boots which can be quite annoying. However, there is a workaround!

First, via command prompt navigate to C:\Program Files\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop OR C:\Program Files (x86)\PGP Corporation\PGP Desktop depending on if you are 64-bit or 32-bit.

For a one-time password bypass, run this:

pgpwde –add-bypass –admin-passphrase [phrase]

Or for several reboots, run this:

 pgpwde –add-bypass –disk [number] –count [number] –admin-passphrase [phrase]

Where phrase is the password / passphrase and the number is the number of reboots. Disk is for if multiple disks are encrypted. Enjoy your reboots now!