UPDATE: Using Dell Command Configure to Set Wake-On-LAN for Dell Computers

I’ve previously written about using an older version of Command Configure for enabling WOL. The commands have changed in the latest version, v4.2 as of this writing. Download available here.

cctk.exe –wakeonlan=LanWlan for setting WOL for both LAN and Wireless LAN (wifi) connections.

Your options for –wakeonlan are:

  • LanOnly
  • Disabled
  • WlanOnly
  • LanWlan
  • Lanwithpxeboot
  • addincard
  • onbaord
  • sfpnic
  • lanorsfpnic
  • sfpnicwithpxeboot

If you need to see what options are available, you can hit use the -H command:

cctk.exe –wakeonlan -H

Using Dell Command Configure to Enable TPM for Bitlocker

After configuring Wake On Lan via Command Configure in a previous post, I then wanted to enable Bitlocker on the Windows 8 machine. Unfortunately, the Dell laptop did not have TPM enabled in the BIOS, which allows for a secure key to be saved. Command Configure to the rescue!

There are a few commands you have to run. For some reason, Dell requires you to have a BIOS password to enable the TPM. Don’t worry, you can enable it and disable it all at once without needing to reboot the machine. Here is what you need to run:

cctk –setuppwd=biospassword        // This sets a BIOS password

cctk –tpm=on –valsetuppwd=biospassword         // This turns TPM on and provides the BIOS password you set previously

cctk –tpmactivation=activate –valsetuppwd=biospassword          // This activates TPM and provides the BIOS password you previously set

cctk –setuppwd= –valsetuppwd=biospassword          // This removes the BIOS password. Just put one space after the = sign. You need to feed the old BIOS password to make the change.

That is it! You’ll have to restart the computer and Windows will see the TPM device and be able to enable Bitlocker.

Using Dell Command Configure to Enable Wake On Lan (WOL)

I’ve been playing with Dell Command Configure recently and will be doing a few posts on my work.

First up is enabling Wake On Lan (WOL) on Dell Optiplex, Latitude, XPS, Insprion, systems. The main advantage is this can be done remotely, through Windows, and can even be scripted.

You’ll need Dell Command | Configure which you can grab from here. If you are interested in more features, you can read up on the full documentation in the Reference Guide here.

After you install it, you can open the aptly named “Command Configure Command Prompt” tool. From there, you can enter all your arguments that you want to change. To change your Wake On Lan settings, simply type in:

cctk –wakeonlan [enable, disable, enablewakeonwlan, lanorwlan]

The options above are what you can do. You can set it to wake on just wireless, or both wireless and ethernet LAN. For both wlan and lan, your command would be:

cctk –wakeonlan lanorwlan

3/19/2020: I have written an updated post with updated information and usage here.