Using Dell Command Configure to Enable TPM for Bitlocker
After configuring Wake On Lan via Command Configure in a previous post, I then wanted to enable Bitlocker on the Windows 8 machine. Unfortunately, the Dell laptop did not have TPM enabled in the BIOS, which allows for a secure key to be saved. Command Configure to the rescue!
There are a few commands you have to run. For some reason, Dell requires you to have a BIOS password to enable the TPM. Don’t worry, you can enable it and disable it all at once without needing to reboot the machine. Here is what you need to run:
cctk –setuppwd=biospassword // This sets a BIOS password
cctk –tpm=on –valsetuppwd=biospassword // This turns TPM on and provides the BIOS password you set previously
cctk –tpmactivation=activate –valsetuppwd=biospassword // This activates TPM and provides the BIOS password you previously set
cctk –setuppwd= –valsetuppwd=biospassword // This removes the BIOS password. Just put one space after the = sign. You need to feed the old BIOS password to make the change.
That is it! You’ll have to restart the computer and Windows will see the TPM device and be able to enable Bitlocker.